Debate Rages Over Whether Speaking A Second Language Improves Cognition temim 12:34 PM temim Some studies show that the purported “bilingual advantage” may be only a myth -- Read more on from Scientific American News via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Can Robots Help Pick Up after the Recycling Crisis?They will have to overcome the challenges of America’s convenient single-stream recycling system -"Bomb Carbon" Has Been Found in Deep-Ocean CreaturesThe detection of this radioactive relic of nuclear weapons tests in a remote environment shows humaBeautiful MathA new book shows off spectacular works of art inspired by mathematical principles -- Read more on Caffeine Peps Up Solar EnergyThe human energizer can also improve the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells -- ReaBrain Restoration System Explores Hazy Territory between Being Dead or AliveAn experiment that restored cellular function to pigs’ brains hours after death holds the potentialSpin-Swapping Particles Could Be "Quantum Cheshire Cats"A proposed experiment to swap fundamental properties between photons carries profound implications