Astronomers Create First Heat Map of a Super-Earth temim 10:30 AM temim The super-Earth 55 Cancri e may have a magma ocean or windblown clouds of vaporized rock -- Read more on from Scientific American News via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya "Bomb Carbon" Has Been Found in Deep-Ocean CreaturesThe detection of this radioactive relic of nuclear weapons tests in a remote environment shows humaBrain-Controlled Hearing Aids Could Cut through Crowd NoiseA prototype detects whom you are listening to and amplifies only that speaker’s voice; a potential Watching Apollo 11 with NASA Historian Bill BarryThe agency’s chief historian discusses the film and what the moon missions can teach us about globaThwarting Protein Reverses Brain Decline in Aged MiceBlocking an immune-related molecule lodged in blood vessels stops memory loss -- Read more on ScieDid a Meteor from Another Star Strike Earth in 2014?Questionable data clouds the potential discovery of the first known interstellar fireball -- Read Creative Types Reserve a Special Corner of the Brain for Dreaming BigArtists, novelists, actors and directors excel at tapping into “imagination” circuits -- Read more