Brain Restoration System Explores Hazy Territory between Being Dead or Alive temim 12:04 AM temim An experiment that restored cellular function to pigs’ brains hours after death holds the potential for advancing neuroscience research -- Read more on from Scientific American News via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Tiny, Snackable Fish Are Linchpins of Coral Reef EcosystemsFish that are so small and shy that they escape attention may be the foundation of reefs’ outsize pBeautiful MathA new book shows off spectacular works of art inspired by mathematical principles -- Read more on Measles Outbreaks Follow a Predictable Path—Provided People Get VaccinatedIn the past, measles outbreaks have been brought under control with vaccines, but the dynamic may b"Bomb Carbon" Has Been Found in Deep-Ocean CreaturesThe detection of this radioactive relic of nuclear weapons tests in a remote environment shows humaApollo-era Tremors Reveal a Dynamic, Active MoonMoonquakes still shake and reshape the lunar surface in ways that could threaten future astronauts Smartphone App Screens Kids for Ear ProblemsParents can use a digital tool at home to detect fluid behind the eardrum -- Read more on Scientif