Cannabis Compound Eases Anxiety and Cravings of Heroin Addiction temim 12:05 AM temim Cannabidiol reduces levels of stress hormone and blunts urge to use opioids -- Read more on from Scientific American News via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Children Change Their Parents' Minds about Climate ChangeStudy of students schooled on the issue showed them going on to shift their elders’ attitudes -- RScientists Uncover California's Hidden EarthquakesNearly two million tiny tremors could help explain the inner workings of key faults -- Read more oDid a Meteor from Another Star Strike Earth in 2014?Questionable data clouds the potential discovery of the first known interstellar fireball -- Read Hyperactive Comets Hint at Origins of Earth's OceansA new study suggests primordial seawater may lurk hidden at the hearts of many comets -- Read moreNew Law Would Help Bees--but Could Leave Other Pollinators out in the ColdProposed legislation focuses mostly on threats to honeybees and their wild cousins -- Read more onSpin-Swapping Particles Could Be "Quantum Cheshire Cats"A proposed experiment to swap fundamental properties between photons carries profound implications