How Tear Gas Works: A Rundown of the Chemicals Used on Crowds temim 12:08 AM temim There are two broad types of tear gas—and they’re both engineered to cause pain -- Read more on from Scientific American News via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Can Robots Help Pick Up after the Recycling Crisis?They will have to overcome the challenges of America’s convenient single-stream recycling system -A Genetic Risk Score Tries to Predict Whether a Child Will Become ObeseA still-controversial test could be administered to toddlers to gauge their chances -- Read more oHurricane Aftermath Leaves Florida with Years of Major Wildfire ThreatTinderboxes of storm-felled trees are a growing concern in the Southeast, as climate change also inBrain Restoration System Explores Hazy Territory between Being Dead or AliveAn experiment that restored cellular function to pigs’ brains hours after death holds the potentialCannabis Compound Eases Anxiety and Cravings of Heroin AddictionCannabidiol reduces levels of stress hormone and blunts urge to use opioids -- Read more on ScientAs Pesticide Turns Up in More Places, Safety Concerns MountA growing body of research is challenging the assumption that neonicotinoids are safer and less lik