4 Days of Intensive Therapy Can Reverse OCD for Years temim 12:08 AM temim Two Norwegian psychologists developed a method of treating the condition that is gaining international attention for its efficiency and effectiveness -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com from Scientific American News https://ift.tt/2rfo06p via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Children Change Their Parents' Minds about Climate ChangeStudy of students schooled on the issue showed them going on to shift their elders’ attitudes -- RU.N. General Assembly President Sets Her Sights on Plastic PollutionMaría Fernanda Espinosa Garcés is pushing internal action as well as changes within the U.N. -- ReSpin-Swapping Particles Could Be "Quantum Cheshire Cats"A proposed experiment to swap fundamental properties between photons carries profound implications New Law Would Help Bees--but Could Leave Other Pollinators out in the ColdProposed legislation focuses mostly on threats to honeybees and their wild cousins -- Read more onDid a Meteor from Another Star Strike Earth in 2014?Questionable data clouds the potential discovery of the first known interstellar fireball -- Read Rescue Drones Need to Learn How Lost Humans ThinkNew research seeks to improve the effectiveness of unmanned aerial vehicles in search and rescue op