Enceladus Could Be Teeming with Methane-Belching Microbes temim 12:15 AM temim New lab experiments suggest a particular microorganism could be the source of methane emanating from the oceanic depths of Saturn’s icy moon -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com from Scientific American News http://ift.tt/2sZjlt1 via IFTTT Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Beautiful MathA new book shows off spectacular works of art inspired by mathematical principles -- Read more on Watching Apollo 11 with NASA Historian Bill BarryThe agency’s chief historian discusses the film and what the moon missions can teach us about globaSmartphone App Screens Kids for Ear ProblemsParents can use a digital tool at home to detect fluid behind the eardrum -- Read more on ScientifHow to Kill HIV: Target Its "Influencers"Applying network theory to HIV’s structure has revealed the most valuable—and vulnerable—parts of tHow We Roll: Study Shows We're More Lone Wolves Than Team PlayersResults may explain why collective action on climate change and health policy is so difficult -- RSpaceX's Starlink Could Cause Cascades of Space JunkPlans for thousands of new communications satellites would revolutionize global telecommunications