Amazing technological inventions

A lot of people have bright ideas and designs for the future and there are those who find pleasure in the experience, innovation and design since the white page to become a legitimate reality. Since ancient times we were the Arabs months Almokhtraeian and thinkers Kalcamara with Ibn al-Haytham and Trbeid with spears and computers analog with Abu basil, Alosttrlab with Mary Alasitrlaba who adopted them in the present mechanism of action of the compass and satellite clocks astronomical with island and many others. But in this topic I'll show you the strangest and most amazing technological inventions .. It is a future inventions:

Phone with all the modern requirements these days and with multiple features and a wonderful example of the screen are transparent for the withdrawal of the bracelet is an easy way and do not need a world in nuclear physics to take it out!! .. It is also characterized in a way that perfect work and process, thanks to its attractive design and beautiful lighting that surrounds it. The touch technology is the approved way to control the bracelet.

Overlook the obvious features which you can find in this sophisticated phone, you have the ability to watch videos, movies and music, read books and surf the Web, chat, and many others.
With this invention will become fully digital world in your wrist!

This phone is designed Alexey Chugunnikov, and this image reflect on how to drag the screen transparent from bracelets Almasma base:

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