Development of tablets "DVD" to conduct blood tests

Development of tablets "DVD" to conduct blood tests

Revealed a team of Swedish researchers about a new technology that allows the use of DVDs or CDs (DVD) to conduct blood tests with high accuracy and low cost.

And launched the researchers are from the Institute "in order inthe" Royal of Technology in Sweden, the name "Lab-on-DVD" on a new technology that transforms tablets "DVD" regular units scanning microscopic minutes using laser conducted blood tests accurately one micrometer.

The professor of biotechnology at the Swedish Institute, the supervisor of the research team, the new technology is expensive compared to units of blood tests currently available, where you can put units "Lab-on-DVD" at a cost not to exceed two hundred dollars, while available units for the analysis of the blood-like amounts of up to thirty thousand dollars.

He added in commenting on the technical journal "Physics", as the result of thirty years of research and development in the field of optical storage technology used by applications in order to convert regular DVD disks from which to conduct blood tests with great accuracy.

The units can list those conducting technical analyzes that require high precision, such as HIV tests, HIV (AIDS), and analyzes of DNA (DNA), and nuclear acid Ribe in a short time.

This technology will provide an opportunity for hospitals and laboratories in developing countries to get cheap technology and high precision in order to conduct medical tests for blood, which is opportunity counted the by one of the most notable successes of technical.

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