Ozone Layer

The ozone layer has become a global issue, where the focus of the peoples in various countries of the world to the risks involved ..

The warning by various organisms on the surface of human, plant and animal.
The ozone layer is a part of the atmosphere that surrounds the globe. This class, like anything natural effectiveness depends on a healthy balance of chemicals.
But before human aspirations that reach the extent of mass make this chemical substance that helps to destroy even the destruction of the ozone layer.

- Definition of the ozone layer.
- The importance of the ozone layer.
- Destruction of the ozone layer.
- Gases harmful to the ozone layer.
- What pollution.
- Damage caused by the erosion of the ozone layer.

* What is the ozone layer?

Is the layer of the atmosphere, and so named because they contain ozone gas is present in the atmosphere, "stratospheric". Ozone gas is composed of three oxygen atoms linked together and symbolized by the chemical symbol (O3). It consists of the ozone interaction of chemicals as well as energy emitted by the light of the sun, represented in UV on site pages Fido, and in the stratosphere (one layers of the atmosphere) collides oxygen gas - which consists normally of molecules atoms oxygen (O2) - Ultrasound radiation emitted by the sun, and these atoms become free to merge with other objects, and consists of ozone gas when combined one oxygen atom (O) with a partial oxygen (O2) and this is the oxygen inhaled human to be

* What are the layers of the atmosphere .. ??

Ozone gas is estimated to have risen from the earth's surface 30-50 km, and a thickness up between 2-8 kilometers.
And can be composed of the ozone layer in the height of less than 30 km is done via a chemical reaction, such as:
Hydrocarbons and nitric oxide as well as sunlight in the same way that binds the oxygen with the energy emitted by the sun, and have this kind of interaction with so-called "cloud of fog and smoke," where come these chemicals from vehicle exhaust, so we see this cloud our eyes the skies above cities, and famous examples of a black cloud that spread in the sky "London" in 1952 and resulted in the loss of life and reached nearly four thousand people where there was opacity to this city for a few days did not see population sun daylight intensity of this smog. As the ozone layer formed on the high-altitude whenever useful, but if formed at low altitudes whenever a serious and harmful to humans, animals and plants because they cause poisoning.

Despite the presence of ozone gas off the ground, it does not cause any harm directly to its residents, quite the opposite for plants Faisal influence it, absorbs ozone gas thermal energy which is reflected from the surface of the earth, which means that the energy remain close to the surface and is not allowed to access and this What can we call global warming. This means that ozone gas is a greenhouse gas green.

* The importance of the ozone layer:

Of the most important functions of the ozone layer is to protect the Earth's surface from the harmful rays of the sun that reaches the surface UV-B radiation, which cause severe damage to humans, particularly cancers of the skin .. And also for the animal and plant alike. The presence in the large concentration of air causes the following symptoms: shortness of breath, cases of fatigue and headaches .. And other disorders that reflect the impact of the nervous system and respiratory.

* Destruction of the ozone layer (the ozone hole):

Destruction of the ozone layer or erosion or depletion or puncture all synonyms for what is happening from the devastation of this protective layer of the Earth and the organisms that live on the surface .. I wonder how is this process of demolition?
Is the erosion of the ozone layer through the following reactions:
1 - The UV destroying chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which leads to the release of active chlorine atom.
2 - active chlorine atoms react with a molecule of ozone gas.
3 - result from the interaction of chlorine atoms with ozone molecule = molecule oxygen and chlorine monoxide.
4 - active oxygen atom interact with chlorine monoxide which starts active chlorine atom smashing a new ozone molecule and thus the session.

* What are the other reasons that destroy the ozone layer?

1 - nitrogen oxides, such as nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide who head off some of the types of aircraft that fly the level of the ozone layer.
2 - global warming ..
3 - compounds (CFCs) used in air conditioners and refrigeration equipment in any place, whether in homes or cars, or those used in making perfume, pesticides and medicines ..
4 - halons (Hallons) which are used in fire fighting ..
5 - methyl bromide (Methyl bromide) used as an insecticide for the sterilization of the stock of agricultural crops and sterilize the soil itself.
6 - Some solvents (Solvents) used in mechanical parts cleaning operations and electronic circuits.

* Damage caused by erosion of the ozone layer:

- Depletion of the ozone layer and increased UV radiation leads to the formation of black cloud "smog", which remain suspended in the air for days, and the resulting high mortality rate because of wrought palaces in the functions of breathing and choking.
- Erosion of the ozone layer and penetrate UV increasing amounts to the earth's surface weakens the efficiency of the immune system in humans and makes it more susceptible to viruses such as scabies submitted in advance on the site pages Fido from the definition of his symptoms and how to treat, or injury with bacteria such as tuberculosis and other diseases.
- With increased corrosion in the ozone layer, caused significant damage, such as eye injury white water (water is white?) Or glaucoma.
- Infection of human skin tumors that are expected to reach infection in the world to an estimated (300) thousand cases a year of skin cancers.
- Worsening of the global warming crisis.
- Affected the flora and agricultural, where there are some plants that have great sensitivity of the UV rays that affect the production and hurt its mineral content and nutritional values ​​and thus a weak agricultural crop.
- Marine life, which includes fish and phytoplankton can not escape from the devastating effects of the disruption of the ozone layer .. These marine organisms have a significant role in maintaining the ecological balance, especially where phytoplankton absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus the supply of oxygen for other organisms and mitigation of global warming.
- Climate Change in the weather, especially at higher temperatures, which in turn increases the problem of air pollution (air pollution Pfido). As the Earth's surface temperature affect the movement of air up and down and thus the movement of air pollution between dispersion and deposition, follows the rise of pollutants heating process continuous layer bottom of the atmosphere on the earth's surface during daylight hours, which peaked during the summer months and as a result it happen spread of pollutants with the movement of air, but landing those pollutants and not moving with the air arises from the cooling process continued during the night hours and increase during the winter season, which leads to the deposition of these pollutants.
- Forest fires and desertification and the rise in sea level several beaches in the world by the hole in the ozone layer.

* A brief explanation of some important terms:

* What is smog (Smog)?

Mixing fumes rising from various industrial processes with water vapor in the air is the reason why in the formation of smog "Alillkhan" which causes suffocation in often.
There the Tsnivan the haze:

A - traditional smog (Classical smog) or industrial smog and spread its presence in the industry-based cities, where the air is gray in color and appears with low temperatures in winter and with the presence of moisture. And the causes of this type of "Alillkhan" and the presence of the following contaminants and mixing with air, such as: dust, smoke, ash, particulates, sulfur oxides ... Etc.. And the timing of its occurrence in winter in the early morning, and affect the operations of breathing in humans, especially those who suffer from asthma ..
And pollutants that caused the emergence of "Chemical Alillkhan - photosynthesis", are: ozone, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide .. When these pollutants, exposure to sunlight interacts with hydrocarbons and oxides are chemical - optical. Consists in the middle of the day in the summer.
Damage: respiratory irritation and eye.

* What is the halon?

Halon gas falls within the classification halos which enters chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine in installed. The halon gas is a methane gas which consists of a carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms occurs cracking of the interrelationship between the carbon atoms and hydrogen that solved fluorine, chlorine or bromine replace hydrogen becomes as follows and this new compound heavier atomic weight for the boat first and thus settle the new compound on the surface Fire due to increased weight and followed by an increase in the interdependence which require great strength to break this Aturabtun used in firefighting.

* What are the CFCs?

CFCs are those compounds known industrially "freon" which is used in refrigeration equipment from refrigerators and air conditioners, as intervention Ge aerosol Industries (scented sprays, abrasive to the smell of sweat), and in the electronic industries as well. These compounds old long runs to a hundred years and perhaps even more so. The adverse impact comes from boarding to the upper atmosphere where chlorine is liberated by UV and chlorine is working to destroy ozone, one of the causes of ozone holes and reduce the proportion of the atmosphere.

* What is methyl bromide?

Methyl bromide gas is colorless and odorless, and is used as an insecticide for agricultural pest control and in the store also
Cause severe irritation of the respiratory system after exposure to about 4-12 hours. It is the negative symptoms that appear on human exposure to him: headache, dizziness, nausea, chills, weakness in the muscle reaction, and may cause burns to the skin when touching.

* What are the solvents?

Organic solvents are toxic chemicals such as: ether - acetone - toluene, and use these solvents in adhesives and paint and Uil cleaning. This has caused a bottleneck rights because it does not allow the arrival of oxygen to the blood, also have a detrimental effect on the liver, kidneys and nervous system.
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