Evidence of the existence of dark matter

Astronomers recently uncovered for more physical evidence on the existence of dark matter or black, a mysterious component of the universe, and developed Afterdha to explain a large part of the total mass of the universe.

The dark matter more than a quarter of the universe, and can not be vision Baltelicsupac, but inferred enormous Bjazpetha.

The scientists reached so far is just the "keys" to indicate the presence of dark matter or black, through the effects of gravity on the visible galaxies.
But now, provided a "machine" orbiting the Earth on board the International Space Station the first concrete evidence of the existence of this article.

Spectrometer was able to space, cost about two billion dollars, and for the first time of capture "radioactive particles in space may have come from dark matter collided with each other somewhere in space."

The process is called "annihilation" and result in the so-called "positron" an elementary particle is the antiparticle of the electron or electron is positively charged.

Scientists say the U.S. space agency NASA and the Institute "CERN" The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer managed to capture particles that may have resulted from a dead star called "Pulsar."

Scientists shows that these particles were taken from more than one source, which means it was probably caused by dark matter.

Samuel Ting said head of the scientific team overseeing the project, one of the Masashostis University of Technology: "we will be able to solve the puzzle without a doubt."

He added that "in the coming months spectrograph will be able to tell us whether these positrons indicator of the presence of dark matter or to have another source."

Noteworthy that the spectroscope, ADULT and weighing 7 tons, has a huge magnet can generate a stronger magnetic field around 3 thousand times the Earth's magnetic field.

During the year and a half of empirical work, discovered 30 billion particle spectrometer, of which about 400 thousand positron.
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