iPhone and iPad

Oddity accessorize the iPhone and iPad

There are a ton of iPhone and iPad accessories on the market very common, but some manufacturers to accessorize smart phones, provided unique products distinct from other companies responsible for the industry. We publish here 7 Accessories iPhone / iPad do not we see every day but half crazy Accessories and exotic:

1-CTA Digital  with the base of iPad:  used in the toilet , contains a roll paper towel.

2 - cup holder The Uppercup: Perfect for those who are addicted to coffee, even with their use of the iPhone.

3 -To combat loneliness and eating alone .. Now you can use Anti-loneliness Ramen is a food dish place the iPhone.

4 - Ipotty accessory designed to help parents teach their young how toUse the bathroom.

5 - The Lobster iPhone accessory is Magdi use, especially as it wasObject for the camera, but an attractive shape.

6 - Accessories for banana or Banana Radiation proof uses, despite the absurdityDesigned to protect the user from radiation 'iPhone'.

7 - If you want to put your 'iPhone' in a position closer to the arts Hostilities,you can use the accessory Assassin's Creed-style 'hidden-blade' iSleeve, which makes the 'iPhone' glued to your arm like a hidden weapon.You can use the accessory Assassin’s Creed-style  ‘hidden-blade’ iSleeve, which makes the 'iPhone' glued to your arm like a hidden weapon.

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