The invention of glasses 
to read the texts for the blind

A team of American students at Florida International University, from the invention of glasses can make a real revolution in the lives of blind people, because it makes them able to read any texts, including books, advertisements and writings on the covers and other products. And, according to a statement posted on the university Web site, students are able to, within the framework of a competition for the scientific products industry for social purposes, the invention of glasses for the blind called it  (Eyetalk) that would facilitate the blind deal with the environment around them. And used in the manufacture of glasses very small electronic components, in addition to an advanced system to get to know the text, allowing those who will use the non-use of the Internet. While computer-assisted some blind mechanism and smart phones to read printed text audible, but that this is not acceptable to the poor due to the high cost price of these devices. Moreover, not all technical devices are portable, where he works each by liquid crystal displays (LCD). He said the owners of the project, said the goal was the product industry can be purchased by anyone. 

They added that the glasses will be distributed in the future to the blind for free in the United States by charitable organizations. And containing glasses two cameras HD innovative small taking pictures of text, and allow computer programs in the device (glasses) to facilitate the process of identifying images that were obtained and converted into votes. Then transmits voice that reads the text to the authorized owner of the glasses by earphone. The authors say the project that later versions of the glasses will make in accordance with the requirements of the global market, will also enable users to listen to text in multiple languages.
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