
Scientific discipline in examining everything in the universe (with the exception of land).
The word astronomy Greek word composed of two sections: (astro means star) (nomy means the law ..) .. The same thing with the term:

(Astrology), but scientists today differentiate between astronomy (Alostronomi) as a stand-alone science, astrology (Alostrulogi)
Branch no longer has to do with science, we can confidently say that "trade" or "quackery" or something ..
The word astronomy was when the Arabs mean orbit the star, and was called on astronomy Arabs have several names including: science
Body / star / astrology, without separation between astronomy and astrology, and the same thing for mine, it operates one of El Alamein
Or both Valmndjem himself an astronomer, and evidence that the words Masoudi (d. 956 AD): "The mining industry, which is part of the
Parts of mathematics called in Greek (astronomy) division is divided into two sections, one initial orbital science Authority and their structures
And installed and authored the second science including influenced Astronomy. 
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2. Most astronomers at the moment are the fact physicists Vlakin ..
Even the end of the nineteenth century, astronomy has been a descriptive note or mathematically. Where astronomers draw or take pictures

Objects across Tlscobathm and they calculate dates solar or lunar eclipses, planetary conditions or conditions of the stars and

Distances to it, etc. .. But astronomers at the time lacked a real understanding of the physical properties of the stars or processes that were

Control how radiation and the evolution of these stars. After that time, significant jumps in our understanding of the atom and how the interaction of matter and energy

Allowed astronomers to discover the complex inner workings of the universe through the application of the laws of physics in the broad areas.

For this reason, most astronomers today studying astrophysics.
3. Divides astronomers generally: astronomers Alrsidian and theorists, and often complement each other's work.
While some astronomers working in both areas, the scientists often make one of the qualities, this despite the fact that scientists

Astronomy Alrsidian not necessarily to spend most of their time in the observatories behind telescopes, they share in the use of

And design of telescopes and the development and use of other instruments (such as cameras, Alfotomtrut binoculars spectrum analysis) in order to
Access to and analysis of data from astronomical objects. In contrast, theorists are using super computers

Speed ​​to put mathematical models of astronomical phenomena in space, sometimes, you may discover astronomers Alrsidian some phenomena

New is known in space, and here trying theorists use mathematics and the laws of physics known to reach

Explain the observed phenomenon .. Example: the discovery of Jocelyn but stars Allenbadh at the end of the sixties of the twentieth century, and the price

The development of the theory of neutron stars.

At other times, develops theorists theory predicts the existence of certain phenomena or physical conditions in space, and then the

Monitors work to ensure the health of prophecies theory about the phenomenon or body or condition

Example: theoretical prediction existence of black holes, and then discovered later (albeit not detect black holes in ways

Indirectly, may talk about it when we get to it).

Another example: predict John Adams and French Offrier the existence of a planet beyond Uranus and the discovery of Neptune accordingly

Observatory in German (and we mean here the prediction is the conclusion based on mathematical calculations or guesses Astrology, Valtnjame as

We said previously has nothing to do with astronomy).
4. The universe is studied indirectly, where astronomers recognize the universe through the collection and analysis of light and other forms of radiation that comes from objects in space through telescopes.
Can not go astronomers to study planets, stars and galaxies, instead, sit here and studying the universe through
Information sent to us. The messengers that carry us this information it packs light and other forms of radiation .. Although

That this matter does not constitute a derogation from astronomy, even today, we know the distances to stars, planets and galaxies, their masses,

Surface temperature and chemical composition ... And this is precisely what makes astronomy amazing magic tool for discovery, and creativity of a genius

Of the human mind.
5. The first theories of the universe has made the earth at its center
There was this belief among the Greeks, Chinese and Hindus, and most ancient cultures, which held that the ground is different from world

And water and fire and air, but in the heavens is made up of ethereal material, the sun and the moon and five ÇáĚćÇáÇĘ, all of which revolve around

Earth circular orbits precisely because Aristotle was seeing circuit ideal form, and in the heavens ideal planets can not only

To follow this kind of movement, and every planet take his path in a large transparent dome ascertained stars.
Image of the ancient world, we see that the earth is flat, carried by a group of large whales (Perhaps the presence of whales in order to explain earthquakes, and not the movement of the Earth, most of the ancient civilizations were steadfastly believes the Earth and rotation of the universe around them)
Another picture of the world as envisioned in the old .. But where tangible progress .. He made the earth in the form of a hemisphere .. (We know that the spherical shape of the earth and other planets was acceptable, but proving it to Greece ... and we will soon see the evidence provided by Aristotle spherical Earth)
This is also based on the Greek vision of the world .. Where they believe that the world of the heavens is the world ground .. We believe that a world traveler, has reached the ground to the edge of the world and extending his hand out .. We note machines and engines that run the ethereal world beyond Earth
6. Was Aristotle's vision of the universe very organized, but lacked precision.
Ancient Chinese is affected by the writings of Aristotle, registered many changes in the sky, they saw, comets or stars
Visiting (starbursts). Western and certainly saw such things as well, but they were not to oppose the ideas of men

Great (the Greeks under the influence of Aristotle and other .. have confirmed that the heavens complete .. and can not be for something that distorts completeness) ..

Example here:

Renewed explosion-Jabbar in 1054, under renewed Jabbar and clear in the middle of the day for 23 consecutive days, and has been seen in

Sky for more than two years, the Chinese have mentioned in the Far East .. Even the Indians of South America, but the Europeans did not

Ivkrōh, only because the church decided to complete the heavens and Aristotle did not mention anything about the explosion distorts the sky!!!

But this did not last long ..

7. Some planets, for the old Monitor, was not "elegant" in the movement!
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, was bewildering movement, where the movement seem advanced for the background of stars, but suddenly reflect

Movement back!! After a period of re-progress!! We now know the cause of this apparent movement of planets Foreign ..
Explain the retrograde movement "virtual" is very simple .. As we can see in this picture .. We just need to replace a central earth, the centrality of the sun .. I think that the idea easy questionnaire given to the picture above .
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