Scientific discovery paves the way for converting carbon extracted from the air into Biological

Said scientists at the University of Georgia, USA recently they have discovered a way to convert carbon extracted from the air into industrial products such as fuel and chemicals. And could pave the discovery of the biofuels industry directly from carbon dioxide taken from the air. One of the researchers said Michael Adams, "we can take carbon dioxide directly from the air and turn it into useful products such as fuels and chemicals without having to fight the process is effective for the planting of plants and extract sugars from them." And using plants that are involved in the process of photosynthesis solar photovoltaic energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into chemical energy stored in glucose links. The discovery allows facilitating access to sugars that can be converted into fuel such as ethanol chemical compound. Adams added that "this is the first important step that promises to become efficient and profitable way to produce fuel." The results of the study published in the Journal of "Brosiddens Of The National Academie Of Sciences" Scientific American.