Justin robot capabilities large

Justin" robot capabilities large

Justin robot knows exactly the power that infuses inherent in his arms. At the Hanover Fair of Technology in Germany shows Android how his fingers mechanism can to clean the windows. It is not only important that the robot can do, this Android Latif not robotic strange, is that the genes carrying experience of landmarks in the field of outer space.

Is a robot with a robotic arm had been present at the International Space Station for a period of five years, during which the robot Father foreign missions, long-sleeved protected against cosmic radiation.

Following in his father's success, researchers from the German Aerospace Research Center developed a robot Justin and his family, so that does not men space missions outside the spacecraft may pose a danger to them. Explains Daniel ايدنر - from the Institute of robotic and mechatronics of the Centre for Space Research German - it says that the tasks of Foreign nice for people, but riddled with dangerous too, fool need to suit private satellite, also requires a lot of preparations tired for astronauts.

Difficult tasks

Daniel supervised computer programming your robot Justin, says he believes that the robot can be performed other tasks, especially those that man can not do, such as missions on Mars, or on other celestial bodies, or related engineering, chemical or nuclear in other regions on earth.

The technician controls the remote robot movements, but in order to seek the robot respective movements completely independently in the future, so that it can perform some tasks on its own. And then every person that says do it, and he would do.
Justin managed in Hanover Fair to perform a single task to visitors, a clean glass windows. All that computer expert did was tell Justin that no glass cleaning tool on the table, defines Justin on the glass alone and head toward the table and thought for a moment, then took a glass cleaning tool and went to the window, and began to work.

The robot that has to think and decide independently how to complete its work. And possesses Justin some prior knowledge, which contains a database where all the things that needs to be treated. As Justin knows how to hold the tools that are needed.

Constipation eggs


Does not possess Justin sensors and sensors on tiptoes, but they are found in all joints of the Interior, which is responsible for measuring the strength of his movements. The result is that the robot always knows external force to his fingers and hands and arm joints. When you feel a kind of resistance turns into a so-called "rubber case", losing his firmness. Justin can therefore hold the raw eggs without to break it. If you bumped into a man can be away from him without damage, because the robot deviates from the road smoothly.

Unlike the Android father owns Justin armchair, and so it is close to human, it can capture tool in the hands and doing something else with the other hand. And thus he could arrange cups scattered properly, thanks to the hands, as it was impossible for him, so if his hand was one.

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